The City of Philadelphia has expanded capacity limitations for group fitness in Philadelphia to max 15 athletes + staff per location. At Fearless have decided to stay below max capacity to provide better protection for both staff and athletes. Effective next Monday, 3/15, we are increasing class sizes and making schedule changes to accommodate member requests.
There will be no change to safety protocols, temp checks, mask-up, water outside remain in force. OnRamp classes in either location will remain at a maximum of 8
South Philly:
- increase to a maximum of 10 athletes per class.
- New entrance & exit. The “real” front door will be where to enter / exit for classes, and the garage bay doors will be for the class in progress if there is running.
- Adding workout squares and pullup/wall ball & hspu stations.
Penns Landing:
- increase to a maximum of 12 athletes per class
- Front door for sign in, Garage for work our/exiting
- Adding workout squares and pullup/wall ball & hspu stations
Equipment like rowers may be swapped out for bikes.
South Philly:
- M/W/F Steve’s Club will be split into 5 spaces for Steve’s Club / 5 spaces for Open Gym
- Tues 8PM Open Gym will be discontinued
- M/W/F OnRamp will add open gym spaces for any spot not taken by OR registrant
Penn’s Landing:
- Tu / Thur 7AM OCB will be converted to Functional Fitness w Kevin
- M / W 12PM Functional Fitness & 1PM OCB will be added, coached w Erick
- Tu / Thur OCB will be split into 6 spaces for OCB / 6 spaces for Open Gym
We look forward to seeing you in the box. If you have questions about these changes please feel free to connect with us.
CrossFit WOD – Wednesday, 2020/02/26 – Fearless Athletics
Wednesday's CrossFit classes worked on bar muscle-ups and kipping pull-up [...]
CrossFit WOD – Tuesday, 2020/02/25 – Fearless Athletics
Tuesday's CrossFit classes kicked off the 5-3-1 rep scheme in [...]
On The Mat – CrossFit Programming Feb 24 thru March 1
Welcome back to On The Mat, your guide to planning [...]