The all-too familiar sound of your morning alarm. Followed by the all-too familiar reach for the snooze button. “I’m working from home, why not log a few extra minutes of sleep, my body clearly needs it,” right? Believe it or not, our bodies and minds actually crave routine. It makes us feel calm and can help keep anxiety at bay, which is more important than ever these days. This doesn’t mean you have to suddenly start waking up at 4:30 AM every morning if you are a night owl at heart, but it does mean waking up at the same time every day, seven days a week (yes, that means weekends). It also does wonders for your sleep, which we all know is a crucial part of recovery and stress management. Once you master your alarm, consider a few simple habits and behaviors that will set you up for a successful day. Here’s a start, but feel free to add, subtract, and make it your own:

  1. Make a plan the night before: what would you like to accomplish tomorrow? What time do you need to wake up in order to get all of those items on your to-do list done?
  2. Set your alarm!
  3. Wake up at the same time every day seven days a week. No snooze button!
  4. Make your bed. It sounds silly, but it’s a small win and it matters. Take the win.
  5. Drink one glass of water first thing in the morning (before your first cup of coffee!).
  6. Delay screen time. Whether you check your phone first thing in the morning, or one hour later, all the emails, messages, and news headlines will be there waiting for you.
  7. Get your morning stretch on. Give this simple, five-minute routine a go.
  8. Focus your intentions for the day. This could be journaling, a mindfulness or meditation practice, anything to check in with yourself.
  9. Go forth and conquer your day … fearlessly!

The point is, a little consistency goes a long way. Give it a tryyour body and mind will thank you!

Fearless Eating: Breakfast Edition

Follow your morning routine with a well-rounded, protein-filled breakfast. These Egg White Breakfast Cups can be made ahead and reheated for a streamlined morning.

Fearless Reading

If you’re looking for an inspiring start to your day, Ryan Holiday’s The Daily Stoic is a great morning read. These short, digestible insights and exercises are designed to get you thinking and reflecting, and are sure to set you on the path to success.

Get after it, team. Let us know how you plan to win your morning and tag us on Instagram (@fearlessphl) so we can celebrate each other’s success!

Wake-up Workout

Do you like to start your day with movement? After your morning stretch, here’s a little something to wake you up and get the heart pumping, and you don’t even need any equipment!

Tabata – 4:00 total

8 sets

0:20 on

0:10 rest

Jumping jacks

Rest 2:00

Tabata – 4:00 total

8 sets

0:20 on

0:10 rest

Mountain climbers

Bonus challenge: see how many jumping jacks and mountain climbers you can do in 20 seconds, and try and get the same number (or more) every set!

Be your own coach and get creative! Switch out the jumping jacks and mountain climbers for double unders, or lunges.

Written by Coach Natalie Lewis