CrossFit programming preview for CrossFit South Philly & CrossFit Penn’s Landing, week of 2/10-16

Monday, 2/10: Snatch doubles to 70% + Snatch Grip RDL triples to about 80%; conditioning includes single KB overhead walking lunges and box jump overs. This WOD is going to be challenging to pace!

Tuesday, 2/11: Accessory supersets; benchmark WOD w/ 400m runs, KB swings, and kipping pull-ups

Wednesday, 2/12: Front squat triples to 80%, with final set being 3+ reps; re-test of a 2018 CrossFit Open WOD that features 3 movements, two of which are in an ascending ladder format

Thursday, 2/13: Push press in same format as day prior; EMOM (rotating stations each minute w built-in rest) with short runs, heavy barbell work, rowing for calories

Friday, 2/14: Won’t you be my Valentine?

Saturday, 2/15: Strict pull-ups for strength and capacity; longer pace conditioning WOD with DB snatches and 400m runs

Sunday, 2/16: Low bar back squat in same format as push press and front squats from prior in the week; sprint(ish) couplet with moderately heavy barbell and that movement when ya’ll get on the floor and then off, followed by a jump and clap for joy!